g "Let me go, Let you go..."

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

hey people. Sigh~ been thinking bout the trip and starting to wonder if its a good idea. I have so much here to worry about and leaving for 22 days isn't the best idea. I was talking to jie(kimberly) about my reluctance to leavet eh clan for so long and she says its only natural cos the clan is like my baby. I do have my worries but maybe I should let her and Mervyn take charge. There is also the worry of my friends. What if they need someone tehre and I'm not able to be tehre and unable to keep my promise to always be there for them. Sigh...worries worries worries and then tehres my exams god in heaven. Well..was listening to "kai bu liao kou" by jay chou. Was thinking of audrey and suddenly my hands clutched up really bad. Man..felt horrible. I guess...maybe she ain't to blame? Maybe it was my fault and I wasn't a good boyfriend. Makes sense doesn't it? Maybe thats why no one would ever open their heart to me..hahaha oh well...the heck. Move on lil fella....and yes I shall.