g "Let me go, Let you go..."

Friday, October 10, 2003

Morning people...6 mins before I leave for school lets see if I can finish this up. Hm...life's been tiring and abit stressful with project deadlines to meet. Sometimes I dun get enough sleep even. Well not much changes in my life though. Anyone new for this old romeo...the answer is no. No interest haha. Whats new right? Went for dinner with dawn and vanessa last night. Interestingly...we were talking bout growing up,friendship and stuff...it occurred to me in probably 4 yrs down the road we won't be able to sit down talk and have time for each other...both of them are gonna get pregnant one day and have small dawn's and vanessa's running around their legs. I might turn back and just see my friends going...tied to marriage,maybe betrayl or some may even leave singapore. Hasn't that already happened before already? Karen is tied to elgene, WeiTang betrayed my trust, Lucianna left for Canada. Yes I've been through so much shit in my life. Sometimes I really wish I had a larger group of guy friends besides poly guys but the thing is guys are really different from women. With women you can bear your most sensitive thoughts to but guys would think you're sissy or a weakling. Queer how from the same generic mother and father how different both species think. I'm changing again...my thoughts are evolving once more and this time theres just no one I can share these thoughts with. Dawn is busy with school, vanessa with her projects, lydia with the A's, biqin with her relationship, karen with both relationship and A's, lucianna's gone, Weitang's trust broken and destroyed,angeline's trust went with weitang's... There's really no one close by who understands my thoughts here anymore...well its 8:03 now so i better be going. cya all