Sleepless nights...don't you guys have it? I've been having it lately. My thought probes are really at it. Everynight be4 i sleep these days i think...i reflect on the past and my flaws and faults. It eats me.
Whats on my mind...quite abit really. One thing is my in ability to control my emotions. That really fucks me up big time. Hm~ oh yes my current life. Lets update home from perth 2 weeks ago. Was fun =P bought chocoaltes and stuff. I'll update another time in a new blog entry. Since i came back i've been job hunting and as of today i've had 2 propective jobs. Both are apparently not's even intending to offer me a scholarship so i'm keeping my fingers crossed =X
Hm~what else...started to work out again yesterday after a hiatus of 1 month gosh my fats really come back fast so i gotta start keeping trim again. Hm.. What karen,janice,jerome, angeline. Please start colelcting ur gifts from my perth trip be4 i get hungry and finish everything haha =P Oh yes! something interseting i bought from perth. Aphrodisiac tea. It was frmo some hippy shop at the market. Kinda looked like weed =X I wanna try it...dawn says it gets a person really high. Any volounters? =P
"Let me go, Let you go..."
If you're not the one then why does my soul feel glad today...if you're not the one then why does my hand fit your's this way, iif you are not mine then why does your heart return my call, if you are not mine will i have the strength to stand at all? If i don't need you then why does this distance maim my heart